Monday, December 17, 2012

Engage Me: Don't Lay On The Tracks

Clearly my job is to encourage teachers and students to use technology in education.  It is a task I believe is very important and one that I am very confident helps teachers and students.  Not all educators want to promote the use of technology in education.  In my opinion, our world is changing.  Whether we like the changes or not, there is a locomotive of technology coming at us.  When can lay on the tracks and get run over or we can work on the train and help design lessons, strategies and projects that will teach our kids what will help them be successful in the world of work.  Realizing the emphasis placed on ACT and GPA's in our high schools, we still must not be so far removed as not to help them be more competitive in the work environment.  Everyone from firemen to Neurosurgeons rely on types of technology to be successful in their tasks at work.  Learners are changing the way they do things and we must adapt.  I yearn for better ways to solve problems, to think critically, to better collaborate and improve in communication in my current job.  I never wish I could memorize or regurgitate facts...

It has been a fabulous year in the Bowling Green City Schools; scores of teachers have embraced technology and without a doubt, we are leaders in our region and state as we implement technology.  Thank you for all your efforts.    I appreciate that ALL of you listen to ideas and tools that I share with you, not all implement...but the majority of you realize the direction we need to move.  Thank you.  As always, I am glad to work with you in whatever way that will help you and your students.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Appetizer Party

I spent a great day at Bowling Green Jr High last Monday.  We dusted off some of the response cards and talked about how we could use Turning Point Anywhere (an easy low maintenance tool) that we used to look at formative assessment within a classroom.  Thank you Mrs. West and the Junior High for using these tools in the classroom.

We also had a big appetizer party.  Mrs. West bought breadsticks, brownies and cinnamon sticks for those who stayed after school and attended the App-etizer Party.  We looked at all kinds of apps for use in the classroom and use at your own home.  I was very Appy to be there.  The ipad is revolutionizing how we do things.  Below is a site of 20 Apps in 20 Mins that Will King and I presented at the "hugely successful" Teachmeet KY.
Someone please plan another appetizer party at your school, and invite me!!!!!!!!!

Friday, September 28, 2012


I’ve been blessed beyond measure with the best job in the world; when you enjoy what you do it is not even like working.  I love the school environment (mostly because I had a great high school career), I enjoy working with and helping colleagues who have the same shared vision and desire to reach technological mountaintop accomplishments.  After twenty years of being an educator… I truly love the kids.   I do enjoy working with teachers, but it is sometimes a roller coaster ride; most of my professional development trainings are successful.  Teaching teachers can be tricky.  The group you present to often “know all the answers” or “ know little nor care about the topic” and rarely like to “not talk” while you talk.  Some want a step-by-step guide and some just want the direction in which to go.  At any rate, I still like it a lot!  Really, almost all of my pd’s have been good. 
            What happened last year and this year will be forever be an enduring part of my career.  I worked extensively with two of our elementary schools and helped teachers and students implement educational technology into the classroom.   2nd graders, 4th graders and 5th graders worked on :  Edmodo, iPad apps, PhotoStory 3, Glogster, Discovery Education, Storybird, Animoto and lots more.  It all went great using the tools; the younger kids are very intuitive as it relates to embedding educational technology.  I was very pleased with the efforts of the teachers to allow me to work with them, but I did not expect what would happen next.  After working with the kids a few times, they started to like me and became excited to see me when I came back.  One of the students didn’t really know my name and called me Missssttter??? and then said Sir.  From that it stuck and all the students started calling me Mr. Sir in a kind and caring manner.  I would walk into the class a few days later and as soon as I walked into the room, sounds of Mr. Sir, Mr. Sir echoed.  I shared with them about the movie Holes and that Mr. Sir was in the movie and the book and he was one tough dude.  I felt like a real “Rock Star” every time I saw them.  School ended and I assumed the 5th graders would have a fun summer, start the junior high and forget all about me.  Hmmmm  not the case.

Watch Mr. Sir - Skip to 25 seconds for the best story ever.


  I was asked to help one of the junior high teachers work on a dropbox  project just a weeks ago in her classroom.  I quietly walked into the rather large class and you guessed it, there were shouts of “Mr. Sir” echoing throughout the rather large classroom.  The teacher was a bit bewildered and astonished with my “Rock Star” entrance.  Most of you know me and know my head swelled two hat sizes on that day.  I felt pretty special.  Those of you who know me know that I am really not all that special; my mom and sisters think I am but to most of the world I am just another guy.  So what is the point to all of this jibberish?  I BELIEVE the opportunities the teachers provided last year helped the students to become more engaged.  They were allowed to work in an environment where “rigorous and fun” learning ensued.  The teachers I worked with were a bit apprehensive in the beginning last year, but I don’t believe any of them would change their instruction this year.  The only real problem is that the teachers I worked with are so confident in their abilities; they really no longer need me.  Remember you may not have to do a lot of technology, but you gotta do something. 

Monday, August 27, 2012

"Forget About It"

Landing at the Philadelphia, Penn. airport wasn't such a big deal, but when I crossed the Delaware River I realized that I was really in New Jersey.  Riding down the highway toward Atlantic City was not at all what I had imagined.   I had visions of black Cadillac sedans and graves lining the forests and some big brute saying "forget about it"; that's what I saw in the movies.  Actually, it looked a lot like KY, except there were tall pine trees and a lot of sandy soil.  I arrived at beautiful Stockton College and had an amazing time with some great educators from all around New Jersey and Pennsylvania. William King and  I presented several sessions and we were overwhelmed by the favorable reception we received.  So...why am I telling you all this stuff?  Bowling Green City Schools has some of the most innovative and talented group of teachers whose experience and talent are second to no one.  As I travel around the country to various conferences, it is clear we are doing some exceptional work in our district.  We are leaders in tools such as:  schoolpointe, turning point, edmodo, dropbox, animoto, intelligent classrooms, ipads, flipped classroom concepts and more.  We have a number of teachers who are truly "Rock Stars" when it comes to technology.   We also have a number of teachers who still need to consider using technology more effectively as a means to engage students.  Please contact me or your school integration specialist to assist in any of your projects.

Here are some upcoming events available for you:
Google in the Classroom                 9-4-2012           3:30-6:30      The Academy
Microsoft Innovative Educator        9-25-2012         3:30-6:30       The Academy
Teachmeet KY                              10-05-2012        8:30-3:30       WKU

Follow me on twitter:  @allenraymartin

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Tips for BGISD Educators - "A Must Read"

Welcome Back to School.  I would like to share some links and thoughts with you I believe will be of interest to you this year.

  • Follow Me on Twitter @allenraymartin - if you have not signed up for twitter, I highly recommend you sign up and get your PLN (Professional Learning Network) On.  Many of our schools have accounts and are sharing great resources with each other.  Remember you do not have to get all of the tweets, think of it like a waterfall and grab a drink when you need it or have the time.  I recommend Hootsuite.  Hootsuite allows you to categorize your tweet feeds and follow specific hashtags.

  • Edmodo has been a great success for our students and teachers.  I believe all of our schools have at least one teacher using this tool.  Veteran teachers who are slow adopters of technology are already raving about how they appreciate the tool.  Sign up using the shortcut on your desktop or by going to my edmodo page.  You will also find how to's for you and your students.

Below are a couple of websites that your STIS can help set up and account for you.  Should you need any assistance, let me know:
  1.  (username: "your email")  ask your STIS  for the password
  2. SchoolPointe Website (All teachers should have an active website)

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Iste 2012

What makes a conference work? In my opinion going to a conference has multiple purposes: 1. You learn in lecture mode (which is fine). 2. You get inspired by presenters who set a fire under you and help create excitement about your profession 3. you network with colleagues from different geographic locations 4. If you attend with colleagues from the same district, you develop stronger bonds and a develop healthy relationships 5. You should realize that what you are doing already has significance and that you are contributing 6. You realize you are way behind and it inspires you to get better. For me, I participated in this international conference and realized that BGISD has great teachers implementing some amazing technology initiatives and should be very proud of the work we are doing. With that said, several teachers are "slow-adopters" and must get on board and create engaging lesson plans that use technology to support and engage student achievement. I can't wait to get started next year to begin making a significance in what we do in Bowling Green. Things for you to do: 1. (Re-) Discover you passion for working with students 2. Create a Game Plan to do Rock Star teaching! 3. Decide you want to inspire your students 4. Learn one or two education technology tools you want to learn and develop this year. 5. Make it Happen and Follow Through!!!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Shutting Down Technology for The Summer


District Technology Resource Teacher:

TEACHER NAME:  __________________________
DATE:  ____________________________________

Please return to your school office.
The technology department would like to thank you for a wonderful school year.  There are many changes and new initiatives in the area of educational technology and our desire is to work as a team with students, teachers, administrators and parents to develop and lead our students into the 21st Century.  Please use this checklist to ensure that your technology is ready for you and your students when the 2012-2013 school year begins in August. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Los Feliz School of the Arts

To My Friends at Los Feliz School of the Arts:
Here are some of the sites and information I shared with you on April 10, 2012.  I must express my sincere appreciation to you for your kindness and willingness to let me share some of the technology tools I have used.  I look forward to another meeting in the future.  Let's get some of our classes to SKYPE with each other.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Websites Suggested By BGISD Teachers and a Smackdown

Cool Site Suggested by Janet M. -
Good model to user for teacher professional development and flipped classroom

Cool Reading Site by Allison S and Hannah O -
Famous actors like Ernest Borgnine, James Earl Jones and Betty White read to children.  Very Very Cool.

Check out these cool tools Dishman McGinnis teachers shared at a School Smackdown.  If you would like me to facilitate a smackdown at your school, just get your Principal to give me a time.
Dishman McGinnis Teachers Cool Tools

Monday, March 26, 2012

Wow... My Head Hurts

I am in a Technology Resource Teacher meeting at GRREC today and here are some of the websites I found pretty cool today.  There is so much to learn and so much I must teach...  How can I show you guys and impress the importance of using technology in the classroom.

  1. A great place to make screen capture videos
  3.!/search-home  A place to show the benefits of Twitter
  4.   A snake Dissection
  5.  A place to create presentations in video

Monday, March 19, 2012

Bowling Green High School SWAT

We are proud of all of our students, but we should be especially happy with what the S.W.A.T. (Students Working to Advance Technology) has been doing at BGHS.  Drew Fulkerson - Math Teacher and Jay Morgan - BGISD Technician/Network Administrator have partnered to teach a class this year.  It has been very enjoyable seeing how the students have bonded on multiple project based learning activities.  The students have been very proactive and have been empowered to take on many "real-world" roles to achieve great success.  One project they have just completed gives refurbished computers to families in our district.  The video from WNKY is quite impressive.  I also like how Jay Morgan "the techy" has enjoyed teaching. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Microsoft Ribbon Hero 2

Microsoft Office Lab has designed a very neat tool called Ribbon Hero 2.  This game simulation has been pushed to computers in our district.  Here is a nice little youtube video that explains the add on.  Basically, it teachers students and teachers tips and tricks to use Microsoft Office products.  It would be a great tool for computer lab teachers and/or when students have time to explore and improve using Microsoft Office.  As always you can also use for more intensive learning opportunities.

Monday, March 5, 2012

What We Have Here Is A Failure To Communicate

In my educational experiences I have learned a few things:

  1. Don't make the custodian your enemy
  2. Don't make the secretary mad
  3. Care about your students
  4. And the better you communicate with your colleagues, administrators, parents and students the better off your will be in the long run.

It is unfortunate that even in a world full of texting, facebook, twitter, skype and more; we still have a hard time communicating with each other.  Let's focus on positive communication and not failing to communicate.

  • Be Kind To Students, Parents and Colleagues
  • Listen To Other Educators
  • Practice Patience
  • Don't Jump To Conclusion
  • Stop Having Ulterior Motives

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Purchasing New Programs

As educators we are constantly looking at new and "better" ways to educate our students.  Sometimes we overlook many details when we are in the middle of that process.  It is our responsibility to make good choices when we have so much at stake.
Here is a guideline we put together for consideration when you want to purchase new programs for your school.

Guidelines For Investing In New Software for Bowling Green City Schools
1.     What is the instructional value?
2.     Does it address Core Content or Program of Studies?
3.     Is it teacher friendly?
4.     Is it student friendly?
5.     Will it compliment another program or is it a totally new type of software?
6.     What are the specifications for the program?
7.     Will it be web-based? Will it be bandwidth intensive?
8.     Are there updates and upgrades available?
9.     Do we have the infrastructure to support the program so that it will run efficiently?
10.  Have I contacted Technology Department (Lee Jordan)
11.   Where is the program installed? (work station, server or web-based)?
12.    If we purchase this program; what program(s) can we remove?
13.   Will training be provided by the company or the district?
14.     How much is the initial cost of the program?
15.     Are there maintenance and support costs required?
16.      Who will pay for this software?

British Boy Allen Talks About Technology

Below is a Go Animate video I made for you by simply typing in text.  Great idea for students and teachers to create engaging presentations.  This one talks a bit about Edmodo.  Make teaching fun for your students...they deserve it. Edmodo for BG Schools by AllenMartin

Like it? Create your own at It's free and fun!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Ranting Like Nancy Grace

Recently, I worked with a student (who was NOT in BGISD), who was working on a project for a social studies class in 9th grade.  The 9th grader was to create a poster board about a country.  The student cut out pictures from the internet, drew a flag, and used rubber cement to paste the pictures and letters on the poster board.  Here is my rant:

  1. It took an enormous amount of time to cut the pictures, letters and then glue the paper on the poster board.
  2. Rubber cement was all over the student and his work area
  3. The student did not have any real interest in the project and just wanted to get it over with.
  4. I could not recognize any real 21st Century Skills utilized in the project
  5. I hope this student does not get a job cutting out paper and gluing it on a poster board.
  6. It appeared there was little opportunity for any creativity.
  7. This student had a macbook, ipad, ipod touch, dell pc, toshiba laptop, hd video camera, and a plethora of web 2.0 sites at his disposal, but used scissors, markers and rubber cement.
  8. I have not noticed any doctor, lawyer, judge, plant manager, accountant, banker, nurse, fireman, policeman, radiologist, and so on who has recently cut out paper and glued things together.  My bad...doctors are using "glue" to seal cuts and such...
So, that is my Nancy Grace rant.  Here is the thing:
  • The National Education Technology Standards for Students can be found at this site.
    • Communication and Collaboration
    • Creativity and Innovation
    • Research and Information
    • Critical Thinking
    • Digital Citizenship
    • Technology Operations
  • We are preparing students to be successful in the workforce; not only to "live" for the test.
  • We have at our fingertips almost anything we can dream.  "Star Trek" concepts are here.
  • At the very least give students options when creating projects.
  • Project-Based Learning should have an acceptable window to complete the task and there should be some freedom in how the project is designed.
I am sure this will create some disagreement...That is ok.  My job is to share ideas and get teachers and students to take chances with using technology.  The World is changing; we have to adapt and be leaders in how technology can help engage students.

Please make some comments.  Would love to hear your thoughts.  

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Snipping Tool

The Snipping tool is a feature inside of windows 7.  It allows you to capture entire screen or capture portions of your screen.  You can use this tool to save images, copy images and make annotations on a captured image. 

 Check out my video.

Monday, January 30, 2012

SchoolPointe tips and the Snipping Tool

Many of you are using your SchoolPointe website in a wonderful way.  Teachers are sharing assignments, calendar events, and classroom files with students,teachers and parents.  I realize "time" for teachers is very valuable, but now that I have a son in high school I realize the importance of digital communication with the teacher is more necessary than ever before.  Here are a few ideas of how to use your website:

  1. Place due dates for assignments and advertise tests well in advance so that students can begin preparing.
  2. Upload classroom resource files like:  powerpoint or word documents so that students can view them on their smart phones, access on the internet at home or print out at home (saving the school district money)
  3. Embed student projects on your website like:  glogster posters, storybird stories, prezis or animoto videos.
  4. Sharing work online allows parents, grandparents and others to see the work the students have created. The students then have an audience for their work.
  5. Share valuable information about yourself so that other stakeholders can have an insight into you as a teacher.
  6. I like posting all my trainings online so that the website links I use are viewable anytime the learner needs them.  This allows the learner to listen more during my presentations and they have opportunity later to review the websites.
  7. You can also upload as many videos and files as you like to SchoolPointe!!!  This can free up your network storage and allow you access to files anywhere with internet connectivity.
Here is a short video on a few tips and tricks I thought you might find useful while working with SchoolPointe:

Monday, January 23, 2012

Turning Point Tools

Currently we have 93 sets of Turning Point Response card systems in our district.  Use Turning Technologies' student response systems for formative assessment and frequent progress monitoring in order to promote data driven differentiated instruction and to meet the learning needs of each of your students.  This technology is the ideal tool to implement educational and pedagogical best practices effectively.  Here are several ways we can use it at BGISD:

  1. Turning Point Anywhere:  This tool allows you to gather input using almost any tool you have in your lessons.  Examples include:  word documents, excel documents, websites, interwrite workspace and more.  Great tool to get started and have immediate success.
  2. Turning Point 2008:  TurningPoint allows you to author and poll interactive slides natively in PowerPoint with a minimal learning curve. Tutorials include settings, creating slides, inserting objects, running presentations, enhancing presentations, and more.
  3. Polling Support and BrainPop:  This tool works with the popular Brainpop website and allows students to take a quiz from BrainPop and record a grade instantly.
  4. ResponseWare:  Using responseware allows students and teachers to share presentations using smart phones and internet presentation models. 

 ResponseCard IR for K-12
BrainPOP large

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Tools for You

Schoolpointe - our district website.
All teachers have been encouraged to use this valuable tool.  Your website should provide a valuable opportunity for positive communication with our parents and students, and serve as that one place students can go to find information pertinent to your classroom.  As a parent, I appreciate teachers who allow my son to download documents, provide calendars for assignments and provide resources at a glance so learning can continue at home.  Here are some thoughts I would like to share about using a classroom website:

  • calendars and assignment details are available 24/7
  • assignments can be submitted to schoolpointe
  • unlimited documents, links and videos can be uploaded to schoolpointe
  • folders containing lesson materials such as:  powerpoints or documents can be hidden or shared
  • web links can be displayed and organized so students do not have to waste time searching through websites which may not be useful
  • student projects such as:  animoto, storybird, prezi, glogster and videos can be embedded so that parents and grandparents can view their projects
If you are not using your classroom website or have not updated it recently; today would be a great day!