Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Appetizer Party

I spent a great day at Bowling Green Jr High last Monday.  We dusted off some of the response cards and talked about how we could use Turning Point Anywhere (an easy low maintenance tool) that we used to look at formative assessment within a classroom.  Thank you Mrs. West and the Junior High for using these tools in the classroom.

We also had a big appetizer party.  Mrs. West bought breadsticks, brownies and cinnamon sticks for those who stayed after school and attended the App-etizer Party.  We looked at all kinds of apps for use in the classroom and use at your own home.  I was very Appy to be there.  The ipad is revolutionizing how we do things.  Below is a site of 20 Apps in 20 Mins that Will King and I presented at the "hugely successful" Teachmeet KY.
Someone please plan another appetizer party at your school, and invite me!!!!!!!!!