Tuesday, April 27, 2010

SchoolTube - Prezitation at BGHS

SchoolTube - Prezitation at BGHS

Here is a very nice tool students at Bowling Green High School used to present book reviews. Mrs. Duarte shared this tool with Mrs. Hatcher and both teachers and students appeared to like the opportunity to use a new "tool" to share their story. Check it Out!!! Make sure you choose to set up student accounts, which do not post their email addresses or personal information. Here is the direct link to set up for students: http://prezi.com/profile/signup/edu/


Monday, April 19, 2010

Twitter, Twitter, Twitter

Click Here to Start the Show Tweet Tweet

There is so much more to http://www.twitter.com/ than what a lot of people think... Educators across the world are now sharing information in blazing fast speeds. Here are ways I use twitter to help me:

1. I can tweet a presentation to a group and they can have access immediately

2. I can become aware of events like: TeachMeetNashville (which was great) which do no advertising whatsover using paper.

3. I can learn about new ideas and strategies for teaching by following "very smart" Tweeters

4. I can catch up on news and world events as they happen.

5. I can share and view pictures of events immediately

6. I can connect with smart people all over the world and United States

7. I DON'T SHARE DUMB THINGS LIKE: "I am standing in line at the grocery store"

My Twitter name is: allenraymartin

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Revised Flip Camera Info

I found this on Robert Byrne's Blog site:

Bowling Green City Schools are beginning to utilize the flip cameras in the classroom. They are extremely lightweight and versatile.

Here is a link to create a library for you to store your flip camera videos:

The newest flip camera creates videos in mp4v format which is problematic for Windows Movie Maker users. I have created a wiki on how to avoid the conflict in file types, just click here:

If you want to purchase a camera with your own funds, check out www.digitalwish.com and you can purchase two cameras for one price.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Google Earth

I think Google Earth is one of the most fascinating tools available to teachers today. Most of the students and teachers realize by now that you can type in your address and look at your house using Google Earth; but there is a lot more to the tool. Check out this link to see a short tour of what Google Earth offers: http://tinyurl.com/yc3utbh

One great feature is that once in google earth, you can go into the add new gallery section and tour journeys already created by other users, for instance:
1. View all the major league baseball stadiums
2. View the location of the titanci and see the 3d image (underwater)
3. View the journey of a book, such as "Into The Wild"
4. The opportunities are endless

Check out my sharepoint site for a few ideas: http://tinyurl.com/ybc7gcc

The link below is just a fun site to see what goes on while the googlers create the imagery for Google Earth: