Thursday, November 13, 2014

Two Quick Non Painful "Things"

Check out this Kid Safe Search Engine that a BGISD 3rd Grade teacher has been using called:


Monday, October 27, 2014

Tools I Recommend That Help You Work Smarter Not Harder

Learning is such a wonderful part of our lives.  Even though I am nearing the half of a century mark, I love to be a learner more each day.  One of the best parts of being an educator is that we are surrounded by learning, whether we facilitate the learning, or we are the learners.  Unfortunately, times have been very difficult for many of you and I sense much frustration.  As new standards and new initiatives weigh heavily on teachers, it saddens me to see less opportunities for new and innovative strategies to be implemented.  Part of my job is to research new strategies as it relates to technology and I am trying diligently not to "bombard" teachers with... "try this and try that" mentality.  I will continue to look at new engaging tools for you, but for now I am focusing on tools that help you "Work Smarter - Not Harder".  Below are a few examples:

  1. Google Apps For Education - All of the tools below are Collaborative, Easy and available to students grade 3-12.  This is a no-brainer!  If you have not embraced these Google tools, you will quickly find yourself behind.  If you know how to use Microsoft Office tools, then this has a minuscule learning curve.  Don't delay on this one.  It makes student work and your work, much simpler.  Trust Me!
    1. Google Docs
    2. Google Sheets
    3. Google Slides
    4. Google Forms
    5. Google Drive
  2. AirPlay/Air Server - this tool allows a district owned ipad to send it's display to another computer connected to the projector so all students can see what is on the ipad.  Great success.  Requires a program downloaded on a host computer for a cost of less than $10.
  3. Doceri - This tool has multiple benefits.  1. It allows a teacher to use a district owned or personally owned ipad or ipad mini to connect to their teacher workstation and control that computer.  It allows for teacher and student mobility.  Several teachers are using this to record lessons they teach on the interactive board and once completed simply stop recording and then send the video to youtube (which we all have a youtube account with our school Google Account).  Teachers can share the videos with students, parents other collaborative teachers to modify and/or reinforce student work.  

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Summer Time Technology Access - Access your files and Windows 7 Desktop from Home

Google Drive:  Access Everywhere and Anytime!

Every BGISD teacher and administrator has a BGISD Google Account!  AND  Students Grades 3-12 have BGISD Google Accounts!!!  #GameChanger


VMWare View - Allows access to your Windows 7 Desktop so you always have your files available at home!  Click the image below for access to your BGISD Windows 7 desktop.

                                              VMware Horizon View HTML Access

Click here for more information on how to install VM Ware View iPad app, Windows Program or Macintosh Program

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Google Tips You Will Like! - Creating Folders and Inserting Copyright Free Images

Here is a couple of great videos you may like that show you how to create folders and insert images with automatic bibliography posts.

If you are trying to view one of these at school during the testing window when youtube is blocked.  FEAR NOT... Just click on the link below and you can have access to my google folder with how to videos

Allen's How To Google Videos

Monday, March 10, 2014

Times Are A Changin

How exciting it was to miss school for snow days last week.  For me, March 3 was my 24th wedding anniversary and I was fortunate to spend it with my lovely wife.  However, missing does create issues and many schools in our area have missed over 10 school days because of snow.  It is all fine and dandy until you start thinking about all the instruction our students will miss prior to testing events such as:  THE ACT.  Now that I have a son who needs a really good score to get a scholarship (which saves me money), it means even more.  Many teachers around the country are using video conferencing tools to stay up with their students who miss school.  Several options are at your fingertips:

  1. You can make a video of instruction and put on Edmodo (which many of you already use)
  2. You could use Microsoft Lync and work with up to 250 students at one time.  YES 250!
  3. You could have a Google Hangout with your students
  4. You could ustream
  5. You could upload a video to Youtube, your Google Drive or Schoolpointe
It seems increasingly more probable that the near future will require teachers to utilize video tools like I just mentioned.  Perhaps an AP group could get a lecture or review from home while the teacher is at home or school or Panara or Starbucks or Public Library or "you get the point".  I know some of you would disagree with this approach and feel like it is just another thing for you to do.  I hope those in that camp begin to realize it isn't just something else you have to do, but it is an opportunity to work "smarter" and provide convenience and inspiration to others.  As I see what happens across our state, our country and the world, I realize we have much to do.  But it is exciting work!  Really? We have the ability to look at a computer and then send that discussion to over 250 people...Anywhere...In the WORLD.  Should you feel this is exciting news and/or you have comments or suggestions, please let me know.