Monday, August 30, 2010

Windows 7 and Office 2010 Help

I have been working on our BGISD technology support pages. I have added videos created by Microsoft to help you learning about Windows 7. They seem to be quite helpful. Windows 7 Videos

I have also added links to Microsoft training courses on Word, Powerpoint, Excel and Outlook. Check them out. Microsoft Office Training Courses

I would be glad to come to your school and do some training.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Time Toast Timelines

Below is an example of a Time Toast Timeline I made. Although it is supposed to be funny, I can certainly find tremendous educational value in this tool. Rob Paugh, our new TIS at BGJrHS, uses this tool and really likes it. Click on the photos and give it a try and see if you like it. Always remember to protect student identity when setting up accounts. The website is

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


Now that I have 15 is more fun to write a blog post. Before only my mom and Lee Jordan would read them.

I have been very encouraged on the implementation of the new website SchoolPointe. Two years ago we introduced Microsoft SharePoint as a web service to our faculty and schools; it was a great tool, but often difficult for the novice and apprentice users. Using that service allowed us to share and collaborate in a manner we could not previously. SchoolPointe presents opportunities for all users to create a professional looking site in efforts to collaborate and share data.

Please blog back on "Ways you think the website can be Used"

i.e: parents can download permission slips...

Monday, August 2, 2010

Web 2.0 Tools discussion from the Big Timers

This article takes a look at 3 big time educational technology leaders and they share their favorite web 2.0 tools.

Of the nine they talk about, I like:
1. Twitter: I have a blog post on this one.
2. Google Docs
3. Ustream

We have used all three of these tools in our school district. I find it encouraging to read an article about big timers and know that we are right in the game.