Monday, December 17, 2012

Engage Me: Don't Lay On The Tracks

Clearly my job is to encourage teachers and students to use technology in education.  It is a task I believe is very important and one that I am very confident helps teachers and students.  Not all educators want to promote the use of technology in education.  In my opinion, our world is changing.  Whether we like the changes or not, there is a locomotive of technology coming at us.  When can lay on the tracks and get run over or we can work on the train and help design lessons, strategies and projects that will teach our kids what will help them be successful in the world of work.  Realizing the emphasis placed on ACT and GPA's in our high schools, we still must not be so far removed as not to help them be more competitive in the work environment.  Everyone from firemen to Neurosurgeons rely on types of technology to be successful in their tasks at work.  Learners are changing the way they do things and we must adapt.  I yearn for better ways to solve problems, to think critically, to better collaborate and improve in communication in my current job.  I never wish I could memorize or regurgitate facts...

It has been a fabulous year in the Bowling Green City Schools; scores of teachers have embraced technology and without a doubt, we are leaders in our region and state as we implement technology.  Thank you for all your efforts.    I appreciate that ALL of you listen to ideas and tools that I share with you, not all implement...but the majority of you realize the direction we need to move.  Thank you.  As always, I am glad to work with you in whatever way that will help you and your students.

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