Thursday, February 23, 2012

Purchasing New Programs

As educators we are constantly looking at new and "better" ways to educate our students.  Sometimes we overlook many details when we are in the middle of that process.  It is our responsibility to make good choices when we have so much at stake.
Here is a guideline we put together for consideration when you want to purchase new programs for your school.

Guidelines For Investing In New Software for Bowling Green City Schools
1.     What is the instructional value?
2.     Does it address Core Content or Program of Studies?
3.     Is it teacher friendly?
4.     Is it student friendly?
5.     Will it compliment another program or is it a totally new type of software?
6.     What are the specifications for the program?
7.     Will it be web-based? Will it be bandwidth intensive?
8.     Are there updates and upgrades available?
9.     Do we have the infrastructure to support the program so that it will run efficiently?
10.  Have I contacted Technology Department (Lee Jordan)
11.   Where is the program installed? (work station, server or web-based)?
12.    If we purchase this program; what program(s) can we remove?
13.   Will training be provided by the company or the district?
14.     How much is the initial cost of the program?
15.     Are there maintenance and support costs required?
16.      Who will pay for this software?

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