Schoolpointe - our district website.
All teachers have been encouraged to use this valuable tool. Your website should provide a valuable opportunity for positive communication with our parents and students, and serve as that one place students can go to find information pertinent to your classroom. As a parent, I appreciate teachers who allow my son to download documents, provide calendars for assignments and provide resources at a glance so learning can continue at home. Here are some thoughts I would like to share about using a classroom website:- calendars and assignment details are available 24/7
- assignments can be submitted to schoolpointe
- unlimited documents, links and videos can be uploaded to schoolpointe
- folders containing lesson materials such as: powerpoints or documents can be hidden or shared
- web links can be displayed and organized so students do not have to waste time searching through websites which may not be useful
- student projects such as: animoto, storybird, prezi, glogster and videos can be embedded so that parents and grandparents can view their projects
If you are not using your classroom website or have not updated it recently; today would be a great day!
ReplyDeleteThis a super positive post. It made me want to leave the gym and get right back and start working on pages. Thanks for pumping everyone up so much and having such a positive attitude!!
I would highly encourage teachers to learn to use SchoolPoint. SchoolPoint has been wonderful in my classroom because I can have assignments posted with links to pertinent websites and documents to download. I also have materials embedded such as Quizlet and LiveBinders to assist students who wish to access study materials on-line.
ReplyDeleteAlso, as you said SchoolPoint is a wonderful place to be able to post student work for others to see. This gives me the ability to post student examples of projects to act as a guide for future classes.
Allan thank you for all you do with technology. If someone needs help in learning to use School Pointe or even how to embed other Web 2.0 tools to enhance learning I would love to help.
I love being able to embed Prezis and screencasts into my SchoolPointe site - it gives me another way to communicate with students and teachers. As a librarian, I don't have assignments to post, but I do like posting events and activities that link to the calendar.